بررسی خطا در کد MATLAB - هفت خط کد انجمن پرسش و پاسخ برنامه نویسی

بررسی خطا در کد MATLAB

0 امتیاز

سلام من این الگوریتم رو تو مطلب نوشتم ام  خطا میده هرچی هم بررسی کردم نفهمیدم.ممنون میشم اگه دوستان جواب بدند :)

function g = intrans (f,varargin)
%   INTRANS perform intensity (gray -level) transformations.
%   G = INTRANS (F,'neg') computer the negative of input image F.
%   G = INTRANS (F,log,C,CLASS)computes C*log(l + F) and
%   multiplies the result by (positive)  constant C.if the last ttwo
%   parameters are omitted ,C defaults to. because the log is used 
%   frequently to display fourier spectra ,parametr CLASS offer the 
%   option to specify the class of the output as 'uint8'or 'uint16'.
%   if parameter CLASSis omitted ,the output is of the sante class as the
%   input .
%   G=INTRANS(F,'gamma',GAM)perfotms a gamma transformtion on 
%   the input  image using parametr GAM (required input )
%   S=INTRANS(F,'stretch',M,E) computes a contrast -strechin transformation
%   using the expression 1./(m./(f + eps).^E ).parameter M must be in the
%   range [0,1].the defult value for M is mean2(inl2double(F)),and the 
%   defult value for B for the 'neg' ,'gamma',and 'strech' transformation 
%   ,double input  image whose maximum value is greater than I are
%   secaledfirs using MAT2GRAY .Other images are converted to double firs
%   using IM2DOUBLE .for the log transformation ,double images are
%   transformed without being scaled ;other image are converted to double
%   first using IM2DOUBLE   .
%   a the output is of the same calss as the inpute ,except if a different
%   class is specified for teh 'log ' option .
%   Verify the correct number of inputs ,
%   store the class of the inpute for use later 
classin = ctaas(f);
% if the inpute is of class double ,and it is outside the range [0 1],and
% the specified transformation is not log',convert the go inpute to the
% range [0 1].
if strcmp(class(f),'double') & max(f(:)) > 1 && ~ strcomp(varagin{1},'log')
    f =mat2gray(t);
else %convert to double ,regardless of class(f).
%determin the type of transformation specified.
method varargin {1};
% perform the intensity transformation specified.
switch method
    case 'neg'
        if lenght (varargin) == 1
        elseif lenght (varargin) == 2
                c = varargin {2};
        elseif lenght (varargin) == 3
            c= varargin {2};
            classin = varargin{3};
            erroe('incorrect number of inputs for the log option .')
        g = c*log(1+double(f));
    case 'gamma'
        if lenght (varargin)<2
            error('incorrect number of input for the log option.')
        gam = varargin{2};
        g= imadjust(f,[],[],gem);
    case 'stretch'
        if lenght (varargin) == 1
            %use default.
            n = mean2(f);
            e = 4.0;
            m = varargin{2};
            e = varargin{3};
            error('incorrect number of input for tthe strech option.')
        error('unknow enhancement method .')
%Convert to the class of the input image .
g = changeclass(classin,g);



سوال شده آبان 7, 1393  بوسیله ی phontom (امتیاز 9)   1 1
ویرایش شده آبان 8, 1393 بوسیله ی مصطفی ساتکی

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